My life on the Homefront.....Be Safe....Love, Mom

From Plebe year to the hat toss, diapers to carrier landings, Okinawa to Kabul-life as a military mom has it's challenges!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to the 4th

I am behind on my blog these days. The demands of Plebe Summer combined with case of Kabul stomach have me trying to catch up..So lets rewind back the 4th of July..
Over the past few years we have developed a family tradition of spending the 4th of July in different cities. Annapolis, Washington DC, and New York City have been highlights. This year was unusual to say the least.We were invite to the American Embassy in Kabul for an old fashioned 4th. So despite the fact that my husband had to fly later in the day we headed over to the Embassy in an armored car with an armed guard. I was swathed in my trying to fit it clothes and head scarf-although it was quite obvious from my face and husbands jeans we were Americans.
After gojng thorugh incredible security we were in . There was a volleyball tournament going on-green grass , no dust. I took off my stuff and had just a short sleeve shirt with no head scarf and could not believe how free I felt. Spending your time wary of those around you and being rushed into vehicles takes a toll on you.But for a few brief hours we were relaxing with other Americans. We had a lovely time talking with troops and staff and buying Duck and Cover T shirts from the American Embassy. Then it was time to cover up and head to the airport.
My husband was flying a trip to Sharjah which is about ten minutes from Dubai. It is a conservative city however and all the passengers were dressed traditionally -that is except me. I was the only western passenger plus the only female. As I started to board they told me to go to the front-the resulting photos my husband took from the cockpit told the story. I was quite the spectacle.
As we took off we headed southeast directly over Helmand Province. I could not help but think of our Marines hard at work below. There was military traffic to our left-a Marine F/18. I wondered what that pilot would think if he knew an American Marine Dad was flying that Safi Airways 737 next to him. The reality is that he could be my son next year when he finishes his F/18 training.
As we landed in Dubai it reminded me of home in Arizona. Wide paved streets, palm trees, street lights-what a contrast to the streets of Kabul Although there were no fireworks there was a lot to remind us of how special the US is and how amazing it is to have the young people of America willing to give their all for freedom. Because there is nothing like being free-ask the women of Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Elaine, for sharing experiences that most of us will never have. Even without pictures I felt like I could see what you were seeing. Will keep you and yours in our prayers.

    Karen Wissmann
