My life on the Homefront.....Be Safe....Love, Mom

From Plebe year to the hat toss, diapers to carrier landings, Okinawa to Kabul-life as a military mom has it's challenges!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I am a mom-soccer mom, track mom, football mom , ballet mom, no you can’t watch TV until you finish your homework is done mom, do the right thing mom , Army mom, Navy mom, Air Force mom, Marine mom . I am even a helicopter mom since one of my sons is training in helicopters!

I have been protecting my brood since before they were born. As a mama bird tends her nest, I fluttered about finding all the right ingredients to make strong little birds. My other job as mom was developing their wings in all kinds of ways. I wanted them to soar, fly in the face of adversity, and become competent birds who could navigate the big world around them.

And now–they are off and out of the nest. Most of the time, I am filled with pride and joy as I watch them rise to their potential. But there are days when I wish they were safe in the nest again. When I contemplate a sweet baby head of blonde curls now cradled in Kevlar my mother’s heart aches. Gone are the days when I can keep them safe-it is in God’s Hands. And so I look His words and leave them to His protection.

I am reminded of a favorite song based on His word… On Eagles Wings by Michael Joncas. Here is the refrain :

And He will lift you up on eagle's wings,

Bear you on the breath of dawn,

Make you to shine like the sun,

And Hold you in the palm of his Hand.

I am glad there is room for me in His Hand as well.

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