My life on the Homefront.....Be Safe....Love, Mom

From Plebe year to the hat toss, diapers to carrier landings, Okinawa to Kabul-life as a military mom has it's challenges!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

George who?

As I made way to the table I encountered my husband who was looking a little flustered. For those of you who know him, he hardly ever is rattled. He had been taking the photos of the place cards and he said, "I am right across from the the Prime Minister's wife and the President, and you are at the other end near Mrs. Obama and George somebody." George somebody? The George who made me sob while watching the Descendents on my recent round the world airplane trip? The George who was voted the handsomest man in the world? That George?

And then I saw it-a cluster of beautiful women in flowing dresses they most likely did not buy at Dillards. They were hovering around George like a flock of birds and they were blocking my path to my seat. So I stood and listened as they gushed over him. Then an announcement was made to head to your table and they reluctantly left. I found myself face to face so I stuck out my hand and said, "Hi George, I am Elaine and this is my husband Courtney and I guess I will be sitting with you tonight."

In my mind I was thinking-this is nuts-me and George Clooney-but I held it together. He was charming. He asked about the kids and Ohio. I really liked how he gave us 100% attention. After a few minutes I dropped the bomb. " I know you are really active with the situation in Sudan-Courtney and I just returned from Bangladesh and before that we were working in Afghanistan." His face lit up and it was the start of multiple conversations about how to make a difference in the third world.
George and me solving the world's problems-this is before he was arrested

The view from my seat during the Presidents speech-yes ladies that is the back of George's head    

 I made it to my seat and I was enveloped by a hug from behind. It was Mrs. Obama's Chief of Staff welcoming me. I told her I could not believe that we we there much less at the head table. I confessed that I was not sure anyone would notice my letter. "We noticed," she sad gleefully, and Mrs.Obama wanted to do something special to recognize your family's service. No kidding-I thought I might get a Christmas card next year, not a night like this.

I looked up-at the table behind us was the Secretary of State. "Oh my goodness-that's Hillary Clinton!," I exclaimed. "Would you like to meet her?," she asked. "Sure!" The next thing I knew I was shaking hands with the Secretary of State! She thanked me for the kids' service and then I told her how I had been in Kabul last year when she visited and also when Bin Laden had been killed. She grabbed both my hands and said, "It looks like your whole family are patriots. Thank you for your service to America. " Wow-somebody pinch me please. No never mind, let me keep dreaming.

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