My life on the Homefront.....Be Safe....Love, Mom

From Plebe year to the hat toss, diapers to carrier landings, Okinawa to Kabul-life as a military mom has it's challenges!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dinner is served

Our hosts and the special guests

The fairy tale continues...

In the back of the room was a bank of photographers  and TV cameras. Thankfully I was sitting at the end of the table so my profile was visible-not my backside. Here is a link to the seating chart and bios.

I was sitting next to Warren Buffet's daughter and the date of Marva Smalls, Nickelodeon executive and the wife of the Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs. George sat between her and Mrs. Obama. Most of my conversation was with that group. Meanwhile at the other end of the table, Courtney was seated between the Medal of Honor winner and his wife. He did  have some conversation with Warren Buffet but did not disclose that he used to fly for USAirways. Warren has been quoted as saying that was the worst investment he ever made. He probably should have asked for a job at Net Jets!

The President and Prime Minister both gave speeches right in front of us. All around us were incredibly accomplished people who were probably wondering who we were and why we were there. Of course we were still wondering the same thing and continue to marvel at it.

 Prime Minister Cameron spoke about the close relationship between the two countries and he used an example from Libya. At the break I approached him and told him how one of our boys was flying over Libya last summer and how I had been so concerned since Libya has more advanced anti aircraft weaponry. When I asked my son about it, he said they did have some difficult situations.  When I asked what they did, he said "We called the Brits." The Prime Minister beamed and told me to tell him how much they appreciated his service and in fact all of our family's service. Wow...

The dinner was served after the speeches. It was excellent , colorful, and tasty. You could cut the bison with a fork. Unfortunately I didn't eat everything because there was so much to talk about.  Topics:

farming in afghanistan
early education initiaitves
raising kids
building nations
helping military families
life on the farm
military wives
Let's Move initiative

It was like a dinner with  great friends talking about big and little things. Mrs.Obama asked me specifically about the kids-where they were and why I think they all decided to serve. I told her about our family military legacy but how they have such different personalities that I never dreamed they would all make this choice. We always emphasized service and they had to work hard on the farm. Maybe it was to get out of baling hay.  She told me how much she appreciates their sacrifices and that of all military service members and families. She said they have so much more to do for  them. I told her how my husband, a Viet Nam vet with three Air Medals was treated when he came home. She said "never again. "

We also talked about parenting. When moms get together that is what we do. We had a lovely conversation and I told her I would love to have her over for coffee someday. :) At one point I expressed my amazement that will all the people in the room the Bryes were at this table. Everyone said without families like ours our country is not again!

After dinner the President came over to check on me and see if I was having a good time. I was having a blast! At one point I glanced at my phone-it was already 11pm and the music had not started yet. so much for a 9:30 end time I was expecting.

The music was excellent. Mumford and Sons were very entertaining  and John Legend was amazing. I will admit I did not know who he was but I have been out of the country a lot lately. The proverbial  clock struck midnight and it was time to go back to  reality. As we said goodbye I got a special hug.

My children are my greatest treasures. They have chosen to serve and I am so grateful they are appreciated. I will treasure the memories of this night always

George who?

As I made way to the table I encountered my husband who was looking a little flustered. For those of you who know him, he hardly ever is rattled. He had been taking the photos of the place cards and he said, "I am right across from the the Prime Minister's wife and the President, and you are at the other end near Mrs. Obama and George somebody." George somebody? The George who made me sob while watching the Descendents on my recent round the world airplane trip? The George who was voted the handsomest man in the world? That George?

And then I saw it-a cluster of beautiful women in flowing dresses they most likely did not buy at Dillards. They were hovering around George like a flock of birds and they were blocking my path to my seat. So I stood and listened as they gushed over him. Then an announcement was made to head to your table and they reluctantly left. I found myself face to face so I stuck out my hand and said, "Hi George, I am Elaine and this is my husband Courtney and I guess I will be sitting with you tonight."

In my mind I was thinking-this is nuts-me and George Clooney-but I held it together. He was charming. He asked about the kids and Ohio. I really liked how he gave us 100% attention. After a few minutes I dropped the bomb. " I know you are really active with the situation in Sudan-Courtney and I just returned from Bangladesh and before that we were working in Afghanistan." His face lit up and it was the start of multiple conversations about how to make a difference in the third world.
George and me solving the world's problems-this is before he was arrested

The view from my seat during the Presidents speech-yes ladies that is the back of George's head    

 I made it to my seat and I was enveloped by a hug from behind. It was Mrs. Obama's Chief of Staff welcoming me. I told her I could not believe that we we there much less at the head table. I confessed that I was not sure anyone would notice my letter. "We noticed," she sad gleefully, and Mrs.Obama wanted to do something special to recognize your family's service. No kidding-I thought I might get a Christmas card next year, not a night like this.

I looked up-at the table behind us was the Secretary of State. "Oh my goodness-that's Hillary Clinton!," I exclaimed. "Would you like to meet her?," she asked. "Sure!" The next thing I knew I was shaking hands with the Secretary of State! She thanked me for the kids' service and then I told her how I had been in Kabul last year when she visited and also when Bin Laden had been killed. She grabbed both my hands and said, "It looks like your whole family are patriots. Thank you for your service to America. " Wow-somebody pinch me please. No never mind, let me keep dreaming. the White House?

Even as I write this title I am thinking, was this real? Have I lost my mind? But it is true-I have the pictures and hundreds of hits on Google to prove it. I am sitting on my porch on the farm, barefoot and all listening to the birds and watching the forsythia unfold before my eyes. It is a far cry from dinner last Wednesday night, believe you me!

You all know the rest of the story, but as we walked toward the receiving line we had no idea of the honor that lay before us. I kept waiting for someone to tell me how to behave but no one did. I took a deep breath and I handed my card to the announcer, and there I was standing in front of the President of the United States. So I did what came naturally. After he warmly greeted me I said, Thank you so much, Mr. President for inviting me, and these are for you!" What were they ? Pictures of my kids of course-not just any pictures, but one of all four in uniform, and another of him presenting our daughter with her USNA diploma. "Do you remember that sweet face? " I asked with a laugh. He got a big kick out of it. "Shall I sign them or keep them?, he asked. I stammered back, "I guess keep them," feeling like I had already gone too far. He turned to the Prime Minister and showed him the pics as he introduced me. (An aide did come up to me and ask how the pictures should be signed-so sweet)

So now I was face to face with a very tall, lovely Mrs. Obama. "Elaine, we are so happy you are here tonight, "she said warmly. I thanked her and said, " I just gave your husband some pictures." She replied," Don't worry about that-we will have plenty of time to chat-you will be sitting with us." And then I was enveloped in a huge hug.I was dumbstruck-and those of you who know me personally know that is hard to do . I was fanning my face and stammering while everyone around us was beaming. She turned to Mrs. Cameron and said, "Samantha, this is Elaine Brye, mom of four service members-she will be at our table tonight. "

I wanted to scream like my good friend Amanda "AAACKKKK!," but instead allowed myself to be led toward the tent still in shock. My husband behind me Ithink ( I was aware of no one else on the planet) also got a huge hug and kiss. Thank goodness for the aides and Senator and Mrs.Lugar-they got us onto the trolley that took us to the tent.

I continued to hyperventilate but knew there were two things I had to do. Go to the bathroom and call my daughter. " Katie !", I whispered breathlessly , "Keep watching!" She and baby Colton had been watching C-Span coverage on the internet. " We are sitting with the President and Mrs. Obama!" "WHAT!!!" she shouted back at me. " I am not kidding-gotta go." And with that I moved through the crowd to find where we were sitting.  At this point I did not know who else would be there, I was just trying to comprehend it all-I still don't!

The theme was English Country Garden. The tent was back lit with pinks and purples-the exact shade of my dress to be specific:) The tables were covered with pink and purple flowers. The chairs were clear Lucite-almost like Cinderella's slipper. Quite appropriate since that is how I felt. Here is a peek at the place settings and tables.

The Head Table-who knew Table 20 would be the one?

It's for me-really!
The flowers are a lot like Katie and Preston's wedding

But wait -there's the next post

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cinderella at the White House

My handsome husband waiting outside security
 We arrived to find a gaggle of people waiting outside the gate.
Since we have been out of the country so much lately we wished we had a directory or that people were wearing nametags-let's just say we were the most ordinary folks there.
As the  gate opened we began going through a series of security checks and lo and behold our names were on the list.

We were in!

Momma and Poppa Brye at the White House

As we entered there were a number of military aides directing us. Of course I had to talk with them and show pictures of our military kids. As the evening went on we found at least 8 or 9 who knew our older sons-it was so much fun.

The first hour was a cocktail hour. Waiters passed around appetizers and glasses of wine. We headed into a small room and who did we discover-Eric's Commandant from his Plebe year: General John Allen-four stars and all. He is now in charge of Afghanistan and boy did we have a lot to talk about! It was wonderful. How could it get any better than that?

Next we went upstairs to the State Dining Room. The theme was an English Garden and lucite columns were filled with flowers throughout the room. Since the dinner was quite large-340 people-the dinner itself was held in a big tent on the South Lawn. We met more of Jordan's Coastie friends who introduced us to SFC Leroy Petry and his wife. He is an Army Ranger who was awarded the Medal of Honor for courageous acts in Afghanistan. What a privilege to meet them both.

As we meandered around the room Courtney spied someone he really wanted to meet: Rory McElroy the number one golfer in the world. So very nice and I cannot get over the fact that he is only 22 years old!While we were talking to him another couple wanted to meet his as well. Senator and Mrs Lugar from Indiana were big fans and now we are big fans of them. We had a lovely time chatting with them-nothing like Midwesterners. As Mrs. Lugar"just call me Char " said, "Don't worry about not knowing anyone -we hardly know anyone either. "
As we were engrossed in our conversation it took one of Jordan's friends who was an aide to tell us it was time to go through the receiving line to meet the President. Here we go...

Cinderella at the White House-part one

I am a Momma with a capital M. My kids are my most precious treasure and when they aren't around , I will mother anyone in in the vicinity, especially if they are military. With four kids serving l have certain amount of worry that goes with the territory, and as they have married and had children( my wonderful grandchildren, Miles, Isabella, and Colton) there is more to worry about. This is especially true when my kids have been deployed. I watched my daughter in laws and my son in law go through the process of holding down the home front and my heart ached. And last December as I wrote my Christmas cards I thought especially of my son Jordan who had deployed to hostile territory with a five month old daughter and who was missing her first birthday.

You see I am a child from another era of war.My Army father and husband served in VietNam and they came home to disrespect and derision. I knew what it was like to have my father away and the sacrifices we made as a family. The thought that someone cared would have made all the difference. I had become aware of the initiatives to support military families led by the First Lady, and although I knew the White House mail bag would be overstuffed I felt led to write a thank you for caring message with a Christmas greeting. It was a mom to mom message from a proud military mom who appreciated that her children's service and sacrifice were valued.

And so I popped it into the mailbox and life went on. Another deployment finished and another one was scheduled and I tried to figure out when I could get my kids altogether again. It was as normal as our lives would be until I returned home from spending time with my husband in Bangladesh to find an invitation in the mail inviting me to a White House dinner in honor of the British Prime Minister. It must be a joke! But there was my name in elegant calligraphy. I called my husband in the middle of the night to tell him he needed to get home. Groggily he suggested I must be hallucinating from jet lag but came around to the idea that maybe I was still sane.

The next day I called in to RSVP and made copies of the invite just to remind myself it was real. Dress shopping, tuxedo shirts, hotel reservations.. The preparations continued until we found ourselves in Washington DC on Tuesday night. We only told our family and a few others with a need to know-we each secretly harbored the thought that it really was a mistake and we would be turned away. A nervous call to the Social Ofice confirmed that yes we really were on the list and yes my letter was read and "noticed"-no kidding!

As we prepared for the dinner there was a constant stream of text messages from our daughter. She was virtually helping me from afar-which lipstick, hair details. We accidentally locked the hotel safe and needed help and I was really wishing I had lost fifty pounds in a week. We realized we had been so hung up on getting ready and meeting these two powerful Heads of State and their wives that we did not think about anyone else. And now it hit me? Who else would be there? Who would we talk to? But of course tucked away in a corner of the tent we could just watch and absorb everything like two church mice. Feeling like we were headed to the prom, we waited for our cab, and waited, until they snagged a limo and we were off.